About Us

Welcome! This site is a prototype for the SciVideos.org, a project to create a single site that enables users to find scientific talks from many institutions using a meta-repository search tool. It is being led by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, along with numerous partner institutes, with support from the Simons Foundation.


The development of this site is supported by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Simons Foundation.


This website is a Drupal distribution hosted on Platform.sh. The Drupal distribution will be published as an open source project on Github.


The talks listed on SciVideos.ca are those provided by its member institutions. Member institutions are recognized, accredited scientific institutions who have sole discretion as to what data they published to this site.


The site currently includes talks from the following partner institutes:

  • Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
  • CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
  • Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing , UC Berkeley
  • ICTP  - International Centre for Theoretical Physics
  • ICTP SAIFR - South American Institute for Theoretical Physics

Contact Information

For further information on SciVideos.org, the SciVideos project, or sharing your institution's talks and becoming a member, please use the following email addresses:

  • info@SciVideos.org - for information on this initiative, the site, and the product roadmap,
  • membership@SciVideos.org - for information on joining SciVideos worldwide network of partners and repositories
  • feedback@SciVideos.org - for feedback on the use of this site and suggestions for relevant features, data, and integrations.